How Networking Can Improve Your Career in Healthcare

Networking is a practice that has proven to be beneficial in all industries, including healthcare. When you network with other professionals in your industry, you build social contacts and develop professional relationships. Because the healthcare industry works odd shifts and works very hard during those shifts, it is not as easy to network as other industries. It is essential to know where and when you can take advantage of networking and how it will boost your career. 

Where Can I Take Advantage of Networking?

Whether you prefer to network in-person or through online platforms, there are plenty of places where one can network:

  1. Online Platforms (like LinkedIn)
  2. Joining a local, regional or national association in your specific field
  3. Attend Conferences
  4. Socializing with colleagues in the office. 
  5. Attending organization functions

Online social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Clinician give you options to interact with other professionals in your field. You can join groups online to discuss different issues and help others out with questions in the community. 

If you are a Physical Therapist, Nurse, Physician, or other medical professional licensed in your field, you can join different associations to encourage your networking. They provide an opportunity for professionals to meet and interact and local events, conferences, and virtual events. 

Your colleagues in your office are also great for networking. With many healthcare facilities being extensive and having various professionals, getting to interact with others in your building can boost your career if you are looking for a promotion or they want to seek out an internal candidate. 

Skills to Take With You When Networking

Whether you are networking with other healthcare professionals in person, virtually, or over the phone, several networking skills are required to be successful when networking. 

Reciprocate Actions

If you have asked for a favor in the past from one of your colleagues, keep that communication open in case they need you later. If they reach out and need your expertise on something specific, make sure you give them the same time and a pair of eyes for review that they gave you. 

Engage With Others

It would be best to interact with your colleagues at work and engage with others when you are at conferences, corporate events, or in the community. Do not run back to your office or retreat to your hotel room once a meeting is over. Take the time to engage with those who attended with you and see their thoughts on the information. 

Avoid Burning Bridges

In the healthcare industry, there is a level of stress that is rarely matched by other sectors. You may have found yourself having to leave a job in circumstances that are not normal. Even if you had the worst experience, you should not spread this around in the community. If you are in the same area, you will again interact with your former colleagues. Also, it makes current, and future employers consider that you could potentially do that to them in the future. 


One thing that the healthcare industry will always have available for their staff and professionals is a volunteer position. Whether you are taking the position within the organization or representing them in a volunteer position in the community, take this opportunity. Volunteering allows you to meet with other colleagues in the area with little effort. If you are not one for many business events or conferences, this may be your avenue. 

Are You Ready to Network?

If you genuinely want to expand your networking experience and get out there, working locum tenens is probably the best way in addition to the great resources listed above. You can practice in different areas and build many connections at the state and national levels. For more information, inquire with Med X today.